
BLACK AND WOMAN PROJECT – ebook/print soft cover 77p 21×21 cm

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In the photographic project, one immerses into a world of mystery and suggestion through a series of black and white images. The photographs capture male and female figures, both young and old, in emblematic poses with few details, primarily focusing on their silhouettes…

BLACK PROJECT – print hardcover 28p 30×30 cm

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In the photographic project, one immerses into a world of mystery and suggestion through a series of black and white images. The photographs capture male figures, both young and old, in emblematic poses with few details, primarily focusing on their silhouettes…

WOMAN PROJECT – print hardcover 30p 30×30 cm

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In the photographic project, one immerses into a world of mystery and suggestion through a series of black and white images. The photographs capture female figures, both young and old, in emblematic poses with few details, primarily focusing on their silhouettes…

MULTIEXPOSURE – ebook/print soft cover 92p 21×21 cm

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In the intriguing realm of photographic innovation, delve into the portfolio of a visionary artist. This catalog unveils the mastery of a creative photographer who, through a distinctive technique of multi-exposure, transforms familiar subjects into captivating enigmas…

RAIN – ebook/print soft cover 82p 21×21 cm

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In his black and white series titled “Rain,” the photographer explores the human psyche and modern society through the lens of rain. His shots depict men and women in various cities around the world, gathered in mysterious crowds under a rainy and grey sky…

LIGHT – ebook/print soft cover 88p 21×21 cm>

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Protagonista indiscussa degli scatti che Claudio Dell’Osa propone in questa mostra è la luce. Oggetti di uso quotidiano e prodotti tipici della nostra terra, accostati con sapiente equilibrio, emergono da sfondi caravaggeschi, monòcromi e scurissimi, illuminati da squarci di luce che ne fanno risaltare la purezza delle linee e la vivacità cromatica.ernato da Madre Terra…

CUTTING – ebook/print soft cover 55p 21×21 cm

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Alcuni cibi fra i più utilizzali nella dieta mediterranea, ingredienti umili, semplici e al tempo stesso essenziali della nostra cucina, sono i protagonisti degli scatti di Claudio Dell’Osa. Il suo Spaccato mostra una serie di sezioni che tagliano tutta la pianta: ortaggio, foglia, radice, terra compresa. E mostra l’ambizione del fotografo di riportare l’osservatore a un mondo arcaico, millenario, governato da Madre Terra…