About me

Claudio Dell’Osa was born on September 3rd 1971 in Guardiagrele. He spent his childhood and adolescence in Villamagna, a hilly village in the province of Chieti. For study and work he will have the opportunity to live in Rome, Milan, L’Aquila and Rimini and then return to Abruzzo in the town of Ortona.

His interest in photography starts around his twenties, manifestation of his innate curiosity; in fact he immediately experimented with countless techniques, using different analogue cameras such as la Mamiya. The real turning point is in 2004 with the purchase of a digital Reflex: this last aid encourages him to look for new expressions that will lead him in 2007 to the publication in the catalogue “ Nikon foto contest 2007”, that will be replicated in 2011 and 2012/13. His passion never fails even if for personal reasons he is forced to moments of pause.

Through his experimentation of black and white, he approaches a reading of reality focused mainly on the play of light and shadow: objects are caught in bright glimpses that underline their plasticity and help to create a rarefied atmosphere. The canvases, on which the photos are printed, are collected in an exhibition at the Aurum of the city of Pescara, 2015.In the following years, resuming subjects already examined in the past, it is the turn of rural and urban landscapes offered with a modern and stylized language, the multi-exposure technique is interpreted and used making it his own. At a first visualization of the images one could be overwhelmed by a perceptive chaos, due to the repetition of the many portrayed subjects, but if you linger you can see distinctive elements that enhance the shot. Palazzo Farnese in Ortona and La Fortezza in Civitella del Tronto hosted the aforementioned achievements in several seasons, from 2016.

Recent years have seen the development of collateral projects, aimed at a new photogrphic project. This experiment continues even without the use of cameras, with the support of alternative tools that gave rise to the series called “Cutting”: the splits show sections that cut the whole plant from the roots to the stem, the leaves and the fruit, including the soil. The photographer’s ambition is to bring the observer back to an archaic, millennial world, ruled by Mother Earth. Several are the acknowledgments to this new style obtained through exhibitions and contests.Since 2018 Claudio Dell’Osa is the president of the Arte e Trabocchi Association, promoter of events for the enhancement of the Costa dei Trabocchi and of the territory of Abruzzo.

“ Around us there are countless unexpressed photos. It is up to us to identify them, extrapolate them and make them unique”. ( C. Dell’Osa)